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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Caroline Kennedy Is No Sarah Palin

Well, yes, she meets the mere constitutional standards: she is over 35 and has a pulse. But does he have a brain? Does she even have an idea what a Senator does?
The only requirement the Democrat Party cares about is whether Madam Kennedy has the money to buy votes
And will Tina Fey do a skit about Ms Kennedy?
I'm sure that Caroline thinks she is entitled to the senate seat because of her father, but that just don't fly.


DaBlade said...

it's always style over substance witht hese people! Uhg! (or is it ugh?)

Rick said...

You go girl.

And, hey! Go on over to my blog and enter my annual giveaway for a free caricature, or doodles. I 'd be honored if you did.

Anonymous said...

Great blog, keep it going we need more bloggers like you
Happy New Year